Monday, September 18, 2006


I look everywhere

Trying to find someone

Who could kill my pain!

If I couldn’t touch you,

I would die!

I want to die!

I will die someday!

I want to die now!

But you don’t let!

You must stop me

Before I die!

You can’t stop me

Be happy and have love!

Yes, your love can

Stop my sadic dream

Of dying!

Dying for you!

If you want

I won’t die!

I will live for you!

Because my love

Is unconditional

So beautiful,

So dark,

So lonely!

If you can give to me

Some of your beautiful love

It will kill my sadness!

And my infinitive

Killing instint

Would have gone!

Your face, smile

And eyes keep

Me Alive!

I understood!

I must live!

I must know

And face the


The destine of living

Without you!

But I couldn’t,

I can’t, I will never

Be able to stop!

To stop loving you!

For today is over!

The overmind was killed

My inspiration has gone!

But I will be back!

I would always return,

Return to your heart!

Because the love is beautiful

I must look for You now!

But I’m tired, my strength has gone

My arms are weak!

So tonight I die!

No, I’m not dead!

My soul has gone!

Where was she?

Where are you?

I miss you so


I need eyes!

I need smiles!

I need friends!

Where are they

When I need then?

Yes, they are there!

They were in the exact

Place, to stop my head!

But I must die!

To the best of Mankind!

I have to die!

But You don’t let me

Your love Keeps me

In this world!

You have my mind,

You have my heart,

You have my soul!

So keep it real!

Don’t give it to

Angels, because

Without You I’m


Even God couldn’t help me

No one is my salvation!

Dead is my recommendation!

Soul break, soul breed

Soul fakes!


Why is love so dark?

Why is love so cruel?

Let me die!

I wonna die!

I must die!

You don’t let!


Probably you

Think well!

My love don’t deserve

This end!

Love is great,

Love is beautiful!

Don’t cry I will go!

But tonight I going

Out; out of this world!

I’m going with Angels!

Because I love You!

Because I can live

Without you!

GoodBye! Angels are in town!


Infeliz de quem tem de
Viver voando
pela dura vida
cruel que correi o mundo

Saltar pelas montanhas
destruidas pela crueldade
terrível daquele ser
monstruoso que
é o homem.

Ver a flora, as florestas
as flores, as folhas
e os animais deitando
uma lágrima de
choro ardente.

Ver essa lágrima
escorrer sangue
do canto do teu
olho e contaminar
o mundo de beleza.



Saudade tem o mundo
do teu sorriso alegre
e contente

Ver toda essa
paixão e alegria
no fundo dos
teus olhos somente

Ver tudo feliz
como se de um
alegre sonho se tratasse

Ver toda essa
beleza esvacer-se
no fundo de um
carro infernal

Ver todos
como se todo o mundo chorasse
pedindo a Deus
que te salvasse.

Mas esse infeliz
trágico incidente
a um ponto final chegaria
e o mundo a ti perderia!